星期二, 8月 22, 2006

SolidDB for MySQL

solidDB Storage Engine for MySQL is an open source, transactional storage engine for MySQL Server. It is designed for mission-critical implementations that require a robust, transactional database. solidDB Storage Engine for MySQL is a multi-threaded storage engine that supports full ACID compliance with all expected transaction isolation levels, row-level locking, and Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) with non-blocking reads and writes. It is based on the storage engine technology of Solid EmbeddedEngine(TM). which is fully-featured relational database that is being used in over 3 million instances running in production today. They are used by applications such as network management frameworks, class 5 switches, trading room applications, retail point of sale systems, emergency location services, and storage systems.

solidDB Storage Engine for MySQL is fully aligned with MySQL's storage engine integration framework.

